Technical links
Various links to papers/articles interesting to read and experiments
General resources
2D Graphics
Attactors, Curves, Fractals and Knots
About knots:
About attractors & fractals:
Blur algorithm
God rays and ligthing
To study after I reimplement the technics I used in milk shake and blublue
Fluids simulation
3D Graphics
Software Clipping
Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book:
i386+ Optimizations thinking
- LOOP: use DEC/JNZ is better than LOOP on 386+
- unroll loops (MOV/ADD) rather than REP STOS (not true for 486) : advantage is not to reorganize data for string instructions... REP MOVS is still better however.
- jump tables
- fixed point (16:16, 8:8, 12:4) : advantage of 16:16 or 8:8 is to have integer part for free
- alignment (2 bytes for 16 bits, 4 bytes for 32 bits) : ALIGN 4 Buffer32 dd ? / ALIGN 2 Buffer16 dw ?
- avoid branching to avoid emptying the prefetch queue (true accross the 80x86 family)
- minimize memory addressing, prefer using registers
Frameworks and libs
Frame rate and main loop
To be classified